Senin, 13 Oktober 2008

my new friend Mr.Therien

Belakangan karena keadaan mengharuskan saya untuk mencari info baik untuk bahan mengajar ataupun referensi tugas kuliah dari internet, maka secara tidak langsung saya kembali sering online di IRC ataupun YM. Setelah sekian lama jarang saya lakukan lagi sejak aalia juga jarang OL ditambah kesibukan kerja.

Then, I meet MICHELE there. Hes come from Montreal, Canada. I don’t believe him before until hes really promise to me onething ;) . He said that he will come here, Indonesia. He knows that I have boyfriend, so we just keep this as a close friend or between bro’ and sister. I have introducing him to my friend, Fauziah. But I never think before they will be really closly. Its okey for me if they a find a happiness from that relationship. Whiches for Michelle or for Fauziah. But im really being disapointed if oneday one of them or the people around them feel hurt. I hope they can understand what I want.

Michele on my mind…

When I saw him at the first, he just a big guy. Then we have good talk and I got that hes so wise, kind-hearted person, and have a cute small. Im really proud to know him and being hes friend. And for you girls!!!! Hes a man whos you looking for!!!!!

He’ll do anything for everybody that hes loving so much.

-- so Michele..I have been promoted u on my blog. U have to pay it!!! LOL --

2 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Hy.. Yu
pa kabar..
Duh yang punya temen baru
dalem banget Curhat nya...
Good Luck Buat Kulnya

bayu fijrie mengatakan...

makasih... makasih....